Beddington Lane - Mitcham
Service: Installation of Janitorial Sink
Job Description: Supply and install new Twyford janitorial sink to match existing sink in cleaners cupboard in main building along with the installation taps and waste.
Tee into existing waste and run new waste pipe to sink location
Supply and install new Ariston 10 litre water heater.
Isolate and tee into existing mains water feed to washing machine and run new 15 mm copper pipe to new sink and water heater location.
Tee of to supply cold tap and continue up to cold inlet on water heater along with running new hot feed down to supply hot tap.
Install safety discharge pipe with Tundish teeing into waste, expansion vessel, pressure reducing and non return valve.
The new power supply will run from socket behind washing machine to water heater by the electrician.